Pottery Farm at Gangzur village


A small village consisting of about 10 households located at about 2km from Lhuentse town, Gangzur village is known for its earthen pottery farm

A small village consisting of about 10 households located at about 2km from Lhuentse town, Gangzur village is known for its earthen pottery farm. Every household engages in pottery making and is the main source of revenue for the people of Gangzur village. Though the art has almost vanished from the face of time due to pots from foreign lands taking over Bhutanese kitchens, the Gangzur village remained true to their traditional values and kept the art alive by turning it into a source of revenue.
The village is set on a beautiful valley with traditional two storied houses overlooking meticulously manicured terraces and surrounded by lush green forest with spectacular mountains at the back which provides visitors with an amazing opportunity to photograph the beautiful landscape.
The pottery farm provides guests with opportunity to observe the potters making earthen pots and can even request a brief pottery class.