Any interesting activities in Bhutan

I'm planning to travel Bhutan on early october. Can anyone recommend any interesting activities i can engage.
I visited bhutan in November 2016. Around this time of the year it was great for river rafting in punakha. During my stay i even visited the takin zoo in timphu. Of all the activities i had during my stay, the best was my day hike to taksang. which is also known as Tigers Nest.
Dear Shivam,

Fall probably is the most beautiful time of the year to visit Bhutan. Days are warm and the nights are cool enough to get enjoy a sound sleep after a busy day sightseeing.

Depending on where you are in the country there are many adventurous activities you could engage in:

1. Day hike to Tiger's nest in Paro probably should be on top of your bucket list. It is a 2 hour hike through the pine forest from the base and it offers an amazing panoramic view of the Paro valley aside from the magnificent view of the temple on arrival. First built in 1692 AD, this temple is perhaps the most holy site in the kingdom. Legend has it that Padmasambhava flew to this site on the back of a tigress in the 7th century to meditate and subdue a demon hence the name, the Tiger’s nest. Aside from the historical significance, travelers visit this site to witness a marvelous architectural achievement of how this temple has been built on a sheer cliff 900 meters above Paro Valley.

2. River Rafting in Punakha. Get your Adrenalin pumping riding the white waters in Punakha. The river gracefully passes by the magnificent Punakha Dzong (Fortress).

3. Clubbing at Viva City in Thimphu. Contrary to traveler’s perception, Thimphu in particular has a vibrant night life. There are multiple options from bars where local bands perform impressive gigs or go to karaoke where travelers can showcase their signing talent and night clubs. Viva city, a local night club in the heart of the town has seen a growing presence of travelers among the local crowd. A good mix of western and Bollywood music appealing to the diverse crowd, affordable drinks and a fast food stall right outside the club with place to sit around. Viva City is a good place to socialize with the locals.

4. Explore the National Museum in Paro:It was built as a watch tower in the 17th century later renovated and inaugurated as the national museum in Paro. The museum houses the famous raven crown worn by Desi Jigme Namgyel, the father of the First Monarch of Bhutan. The museum has multiple galleries for better presentation ranging from statues and paintings, arms and armor, textiles and stamps.

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